3DHISTECH’s integrated Pannoramic™ Pathology Management System allows the pathologist to control all the routine pathology workflow providing indispensable information in an easy-to-use digital format and helping to make an accurate diagnosis quickly and easily.

The control center of the integrated Pannoramic™ Pathology Management System is the PIS (Pathology Information System) or our CaseManager DX. CaseManager DX is the main interface for the pathologist to manage cases efficiently throughout the routine pathology workflow. Digital slides are stored on a server, opened with integrated ClinicalViewer, while a number of quantification modules simplify image analysis.
CaseManager DX
The CaseManager DX pathology management system gives the pathologist full control of the clinical workflow.
ClinicalViewer is a digital microscope application designed to support the diagnostic workflow.
Diagnostic Applications
Diagnostic Applications is an image analysis platform for fast, field-of-view-based, automated quantification.