Please find below the collection of most frequently asked questions regarding SlideViewer (and CaseViewer).
What is SlideViewer?
SlideViewer is 3DHISTECH’s slide viewing application for opening, viewing, and analyzing digital slides.
Which is the right name: CaseViewer or SlideViewer?
As of June 3, 2021, SlideViewer is the new name for CaseViewer. Please note that older versions of CaseViewer can still be used – however, we recommend that always the latest version is installed.
Who is SlideViewer aimed at?
SlideViewer is specifically intended for use by research institutes and universities, for research and instruction purposes. For use in clinical routine diagnosis, we recommend ClinicalViewer, which is available in a package within the PANNORAMIC Diagnostic System.
Is SlideViewer really free?
Yes, SlideViewer is completely free to download and use, with no time limitations.

What is PANNORAMIC Viewer?
PANNORAMIC Viewer is the predecessor of CaseViewer and SlideViewer, its last version was released in 2014. It was a very advanced viewer in its time, but we no longer support it and suggest you download the latest version of SlideViewer instead.
What is InstantViewer?
InstantViewer is the browser-based, multi-platform viewing application integrated in SlideCenter, 3DHISTECH’s slide management and storage solution.
What is iPad Viewer?
iPad Viewer is the slide viewing application for the Apple iPad. It can be downloaded from the Apple App Store, free of charge.
On which platforms/operating systems can CaseViewer and SlideViewer run?
Only CaseViewer version 2.2.1 is compatible with Mac; all other CaseViewer / SlideViewer versions are for use with Windows only. (Please also see the detailed article about using CaseViewer / SlideViewer on a Macintosh computer.)
Which file formats can SlideViewer open?
SlideViewer can open the following file formats: MRXS, JPG, PNG, TIFF, and BMP. SlideViewer can also open the following third-party digital slides: SVS files (Aperio by Leica Biosystems) and NDP, VMS, VMU files (by Hamamatsu).
When using SlideViewer to open third-party slide formats, are all SlideViewer functions available?
No – annotations and image analysis using QuantCenter modules are not available on third-party slides. We recommend that these slides are converted to the MRXS format using Slide Converter.
What are the file export options in SlideViewer?
Digital slides can be exported in the MRXS, DICOM, SVS, TIFF and RocheTIFF formats. To do that, Slide Converter needs to be installed (license fees may apply).
Can I open local slides on a Windows computer in SlideViewer?
Can I open local slides on a Mac computer in CaseViewer 2.2.1 for Macintosh?
Due to the limitations of the Macintosh operating system, CaseViewer 2.2.1 for Macintosh cannot open local slides. However, slides can be opened from our slide storage server, CaseCenter / SlideCenter (license fees may apply). The alternative can be either to use a Windows computer or to run a virtual Windows machine on your Mac computer. (Please also see the detailed article about using CaseViewer / SlideViewer on a Macintosh computer.)
Can I run image analysis on my slides in CaseViewer / SlideViewer?
Yes – we recommend our QuantCenter modules for image analysis (for tissue classification, IHC quantification and molecular pathology – see more details here). Please note however, that QuantCenter is a Windows-only application, and it is license dependent (therefore not free).
Can I use all QuantCenter versions with all versions of CaseViewer / SlideViewer?
Not exactly. New SlideViewer is fully compatible with new QuantCenter version 2.3. Please note however, that previous QuantCenter versions will not be compatible with SlideViewer version 2.5 – users will need to use CaseViewer 2.4 or earlier. Also, when using CaseViewer version 2.4 or earlier, image analysis is possible using QuantCenter version 2.2 or earlier.
Is 3D visualization available in CaseViewer / SlideViewer?
Yes. The 3DPeek plugin can generate a 3D model of the slide from Z-layer images. Taking snapshots and video recording of the spinning 3D model is also supported. Please also note that 3DPeek is included in the free version of SlideViewer.
Can I install SlideViewer in addition to CaseViewer on the same computer?
No – when you install SlideViewer, it will automatically overwrite existing CaseViewer on your computer.
I am a pathologist and I already have ClinicalViewer on my computer for diagnostic purposes. However, I would like to install SlideViewer additionally to assist my research work. Can I do that on the same computer?
I have scanned a slide using a PANNORAMIC scanner but CaseViewer / SlideViewer will not open it, what can I do?
We recommend you install the latest version of SlideViewer.
I use SlideDriver. When I install/update SlideViewer, the driver for SlideDriver is not automatically installed, so I cannot use SlideDriver – what can I do?
This may happen due to an obsolete driver for SlideDriver. Please uninstall and then reinstall SlideViewer.
Is Annotation History available in CaseViewer / SlideViewer?
Annotation history is available from SlideViewer version 2.5, logging all events related to annotations (including user, time and type of event) on slides opened from CaseCenter / SlideCenter. Please note however, that neither TMA annotations nor annotations on local files are logged.
We hope we have managed to answer the most frequently asked questions.
Do you still have queries? Let us know!